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时间:2019-11-01 21:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: It issued an import warning on Chinese frozen spinach using the ( ) of higher-than-required amounts of pesticide residue. 日本发出了针对中国冻菠菜的进口警告,借口是杀虫剂的残留物高于要求的标准。。 A: preface B: pretext C: prepare
(单选题)1: It issued an import warning on Chinese frozen spinach using the ( ) of higher-than-required amounts of pesticide residue. 日本发出了针对中国冻菠菜的进口警告,借口是杀虫剂的残留物高于要求的标准。。
A: preface
B: pretext
C: prepare
D: prefere

(单选题)2: Eight provinces and regions, including the booming areas of Guangdong Province and Shanghai, were saddled with a ( ) shortage of power when electricity consumption spiked after temperatures dropped.当温度下降电力消耗上升时,包括广东、上海这两个繁荣的地区在内的八个省份和地区,都遭受了严重的电力短缺的问题。
A: stark
B: star
C: start
D: stare

(单选题)3: Currently, various government departments oversee different aspects of the energy issue, causing inefficient communication, ( ), a lack of proper regulation and other problems. 目前,多个政府部门在监管着能源领域的不同事项,导致了相互沟通不畅、重复工作、缺少适当的法规及其它问题。
A: duoble
B: dumpling
C: duplication
D: duplicates

(单选题)4: China will continue to issue a certain amount of long-term ( ) bonds. 中国将继续发行一定量的长期国库券。
A: treasury
B: treasure
C: measure
D: sercurity

(单选题)5: In order to minimize risks, the rules require that AFCs have capital ( ) ratios of no less than 10 per cent. 为了使风险最小化,该规则要求汽车金融公司的资本充足率不低于10%。
A: adept
B: adequacy
C: adopt
D: admittance

(单选题)6: The CIRC official dismissed the ( ). 中国保监会的官员否认了这一预测。
A: specify
B: specific
C: speculation
D: speculate

(单选题)7: Chinese customers have started to ( ) from imported art paper to locally made paper. 中国顾客的兴趣已经开始从进口纸转向了当地制造的纸张。
A: sweet
B: switch
C: swift
D: sweat

(单选题)8: China started to examine and approve ( ) joint-venture trading firms. 中国开始审核并批准建立一些中外合资的贸易公司。
A: Sino-foreign
B: Sino-Tibetan
C: Sino-Japanese
D: Sin-foreign

(单选题)9: It will help activate trading in the(). 它将有助于刺激交易所的交易。
A: bourses
B: burden
C: burn
D: browse

(单选题)10: China virtually gives no soybean ( ), levies and other irrational measures have pushed up costs. 中国实质上没有给予大豆任何补贴,而税收和其他不合理的措施还增加了大豆的成本。
A: subsidy
B: subsidize
C: subcity
D: subject

(单选题)11: Although the official denied any possible joint ventures with foreign players, ( ) said the entry of more foreign tobacco is inevitable. 尽管这个官员否认了与外国烟草业同行建立合资企业的可能性,但业内人士称更多的外国烟草涌进中国是不可避免的。
A: insiders
B: inside
C: outside
D: ourtsiders

(单选题)12: Insurance ( ) was lowered. 保险业门槛已降低。
A: threshold
B: threat
C: threw
D: thread

(单选题)13: ( ) the market, these distribution channels have the problems of high costs, low efficiency and poor services. 由于垄断了市场,这些发行渠道有成本高、效率低和服务差的问题。
A: Monopolizing
B: Multinationals
C: controlled
D: Possession

(单选题)14: A government decision is to lower tax ( ) rates by an average of 3 percentage points. 政府决定把出口退税平均降低3个百分点。
A: rebate
B: debate
C: reduce
D: retell

(单选题)15: Financial companies can be ( ) from value-added taxes. 金融公司可以免收增值税所带来的负担。
A: except
B: exempted
C: example
D: exact

(单选题)16: Money can come from the banks themselves, government ( ), the stock and bond markets and even foreign strategic investors. 资金可以来自银行自身、国库、股票债券市场和外国战略投资者。
A: coffer
B: coffee
C: coffers
D: corruption

(单选题)17: Many believe it would include massive capital ( ), restructuring involving foreign investors, and stock listings. 许多人相信它将包括大量的资本注入、有外国投资者参与的资产重组以及上市发行股票。
A: insert
B: injections
C: income
D: install

(单选题)18: China will soon take measures to cool down its overheating automotive industry, despite continuing rapid growth in domestic ( )demand. 尽管国内的车辆需求持续快速增长,中国将很快采取措施冷却过热的汽车工业。
A: vehicle
B: truck
C: train
D: trunk

(单选题)19: Currently, the overall plan is still in its ( ) stages and some details have not been fully worked out.目前,整体计划仍旧在其初始阶段,一些细节还没有完全制定出来。
A: initiate
B: initial
C: install
D: instruct

(单选题)20: Goods subject to cuts include ( ), zinc and coke. 遭受削减退税的货物包括石油、锌和焦炭。
A: pet
B: petal
C: petrol
D: concrol

(单选题)21: And they must have both a good international ( ) and advanced agency management skills. 同时他们必须具备良好的国际商誉和先进的旅游业管理技能。
A: representation
B: reputation
C: request
D: represent

(单选题)22: "( ) should be given to public transportation in large and medium-sized cities and the increase in family cars should be kept within reasonable limits. 应该优先发展大中型城市的公共交通,对于家庭车辆的增长则应控制在合理的限度内。
A: Prefer
B: Preference
C: Preferential
D: Preface

(单选题)23: Export credit insurance protects exporters from losses due to importers’ ( ) or delayed payments. 出口信用保险保护出口商免受由于进口商不履约或延迟付款而造成的损失。
A: differ
B: defficult
C: defaults
D: defeat

(单选题)24: But according to a ( ) economist, it is easier said than done. 但是依照一位著名的经济学家的观点,这是说起来容易做起来难。
A: notorious
B: renowned
C: renewed
D: renamed

(单选题)25: The successful result ( ) from rising awareness among local enterprises about how to protect their market share by using WTO rules. 这一成功的结果是源于地方企业提高了使用世贸组织的规定保护其市场份额的意识。
A: steming
B: stems
C: stem
D: step

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