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(单选题) 1: This ticket _______ you to a free meal in your new restaurant. A: gives B: entitles C: grants D: credits 正确答案: (单选题) 2: The year is________, it will soon be summer. A: progressing B: advancing C: proceeding D: marching 正
(单选题) 1: This ticket _______ you to a free meal in your new restaurant.
A: gives
B: entitles
C: grants
D: credits


(单选题) 2: The year is________, it will soon be summer.
A: progressing
B: advancing
C: proceeding
D: marching


(单选题) 3: The judges _________ a gold medal to the gymnast from Romania.
A: rewarded
B: praised
C: sent
D: awarded


(单选题) 4: What_______of blood does Tom have?
A: kind
B: type
C: sort
D: category


(单选题) 5: Marilyn, I'm afraid I have to be leaving now. ____________
A: That sounds wonderful.
B: Oh, so early?
C: Not at all.
D: Good luck!


(单选题) 6: What do you think of your new teacher? _________
A: He came to teach us last week.
B: He teaches us English.
C: He has two children.
D: He is very nice.


(单选题) 7: How was your trip to London, Jane? ___________.
A: Oh, wonderful indeed
B: I went there alon
C: The guide showed me the way
D: By plane and by bus


(单选题) 8: -What are you majoring in? -_________________.
A: Medicine
B: At a college
C: In a university
D: It's hard to say


(单选题) 9: She has nothing to do _________ sing all day and all night.
A: but
B: although
C: though
D: ever


(单选题) 10: He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
A: that
B: it
C: what
D: which


(单选题) 11: ________?Do you have a toy horse?
A: What do you want to sell
B: Shall I help you
C: What can I do for you
D: Do you like a toy horse


(单选题) 12: The young lady coming over to us ______ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
A: must be
B: can be
C: would be
D: could be


(单选题) 13: Jane _________ the glass changed color possible, it's amazing.
A: brings
B: uses
C: makes
D: takes


(单选题) 14: I always _____ what I have said.
A: get to
B: hold to
C: lead to
D: see to


(单选题) 15: What is the train _____ to Birmingham?
A: fee
B: tip
C: fare
D: . Cost


(单选题) 16: Goodbye and thank you very much for a wonderful time._____________. Hope to see you again.
A: Thank you for your coming
B: Not at all
C: It was nothing
D: Never mind


(单选题) 17: Some architectural designs are better than______
A: others
B: another
C: the other
D: the rest


(单选题) 18: Do you know if Mrs. Brown is still living in London?____________.
A: Yes, she is.
B: Yes, it is.
C: Yes, they are.
D: Yes, he is.


(单选题) 19: The airplane arrived one hour behind ________.
A: timetable
B: plan
C: date
D: schedule


(单选题) 20: This is the problem_______we have no good solution as yet.
A: to that
B: which
C: for which
D: to which


(单选题) 21: The girl had such a serious disease _________ she almost lost her life.
A: as
B: to
C: that
D: what


(单选题) 22: Washing wool clothes in hot water should be careful of _________.
A: lifting
B: shifting
C: shrinking
D: shaking


(单选题) 23: It_______that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.
A: took place
B: occurred
C: broke out
D: happened


(单选题) 24: Helen was seriously injured in a car_________.
A: incident
B: accident
C: event
D: matter


(单选题) 25: The mountain is_________, we should plant some grass on it.
A: bald
B: bold
C: boldness
D: balloon


(单选题) 26: The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to_______what he was saying.
A: take in
B: take out
C: take up
D: take over


(单选题) 27: If you go by car, you'll get there_______40 minutes.
A: within
B: about
C: under
D: after


(单选题) 28: ________.Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.
A: When did your parents arrive at Paris?
B: When will your parents go to Paris?
C: Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?
D: How long have your parents been in Paris?


(单选题) 29: What about going for a walk?________.
A: It’s good for you.
B: That’s all right.
C: So, do I.
D: Why not? A good idea.


(单选题) 30: Would you _________ holding the umbrella for me for a while?
A: like
B: want
C: mind
D: please


(单选题) 31: It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some _________ repairs.
A: major
B: secondary
C: minor
D: primary


(单选题) 32: It was a remarkable _________ that John should turn up here just when we needed him.
A: correspondence
B: consistence
C: coincidence
D: consideration


(单选题) 33: Tomorrow is my birthday._______
A: Oh, I have no idea.
B: I'm glad you like it.
C: Many happy returns of the day!
D: You must be very happy.


(单选题) 34: I was born in Boston, but I studied in New York. ________?I was born in New York, but studied in Boston.
A: What do you do
B: And you
C: Where were you
D: Do you


(单选题) 35: The orphan has to beg _________ in the town every day.
A: from head to foot
B: from dawn till dark
C: from side to side
D: from door to door


(单选题) 36: These weapons add a new _________ to modern warfare.
A: flavor
B: favor
C: factor
D: dimension


(单选题) 37: These plants are rather difficult_______.
A: to look after
B: to be looked after
C: being looked after
D: looking after


(单选题) 38: He was entitled _________ chairman after the meeting.
A: to
B: at
C: of
D: in


(单选题) 39: ________?It's Friday.
A: What day is it?
B: What's the date today?
C: What's the time?
D: What time is it?


(单选题) 40: Hello? Is that ? Please put me _______ to the manager.
A: across
B: up
C: through
D: over


(单选题) 41: The bicycle you saw isn’t ________ . It belongs to ________.
A: me, you
B: mine, hers
C: hers, his
D: his, her


(单选题) 42: The construction of the new bridge has been_______ for two weeks because of the bad weather.
A: devoted
B: developed
C: depended
D: delayed


(单选题) 43: —May I have a look at your photo album? —_________.
A: Yes, you have
B: It’s very interesting
C: This is my girl friend
D: Yes, of course


(单选题) 44: I don’t understand what she said _________ .
A: in all
B: after all
C: at all
D: all about


(单选题) 45: I'll fly to Shanghai on business next Friday.________.
A: That's very nice of you.
B: I don't think so.
C: Can't you go?
D: Have a good trip.


(单选题) 46: The policeman checked the finger print _________ in the glass.
A: produced
B: provided
C: promising
D: prominently


(单选题) 47: -What does this word mean, Joe? -_________________.
A: Sorry, I don't know, either
B: Joe is a boy's name
C: Of course, I'm Joe
D: This word means Joe


(单选题) 48: He is sensitive _________ the smell.
A: in
B: of
C: at
D: to


(单选题) 49: Professor Johnson comes from either Oxford or MIT, I can't remember_________
A: where
B: there
C: which
D: that


(单选题) 50: If we ______ everything ready by now, we should be having a terrible time tomorrow.
A: hadn't got
B: didn't get
C: wouldn't have got
D: wouldn’t get


(单选题) 51: The blood relationship _________ their each other's ties.
A: concise
B: consolidated
C: consoled
D: conducted


(单选题) 52: In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to ________.
A: the driving a car
B: driving a car
C: when you drive a car
D: when driving a car


(单选题) 53: The traveler ___ inexperienced, doesn’t know how to plan a trip.
A: to be
B: being
C: is
D: as being


(单选题) 54: On______formal, people pay more attention to manners.
A: situations
B: cases
C: conditions
D: Occasions


(单选题) 55: You'll find this map of great_____in helping you to get around Beijing.
A: price
B: cost
C: value
D: useful


(单选题) 56: Fred wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ______ .
A: not to
B: not to do
C: not do it
D: do not to


(单选题) 57: —Oh dear! I’ve just broken a window. —__________! It can’t be helped.
A: Great
B: Never mind
C: That’s fine
D: Not at all


(单选题) 58: I do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another _______.
A: occasion
B: situation
C: condition
D: environment


(单选题) 59: We have waited for a long time and it _________ off, the target person is coming.
A: got
B: put
C: change
D: paid


(单选题) 60: May I see your tickets, please?________.
A: No, they are mine.
B: No, you can’t.
C: Sure.
D: Yes, you can.


(阅读理解) 1: One sunny Sunday in Chicago, several former classmates, who were good friends in school, gathered for lunch, having attended their high school reunion the night before. They wanted to hear more about what was happening in one’s lives. After a good deal of kidding, and a good meal, they settled into an interesting conversation.
Angela, who had been one of the most popular people in the class, said, “Life sure turned out differently than I thought it would when we were in school. A lot has changed.” “It certainly has,” Nathan echoed. They knew he had gone into his family’s business, which had operated pretty much the same in the local community for as long as they could remember. So they were surprised when he seemed concerned. He asked, “But, have you noticed how we don’t want to change when things change?”
Carlos said, “I guess we resist changing because we’re afraid of change.” “Carlos, you were Captain of the football team,” Jessica said. “I never thought I’d hear you say anything about being afraid!”
They all laughed as they realized that although they had gone off in different directions—from working at home to managing companies—they were experiencing similar feeling.
Everyone was trying to cope with the unexpected changes that had been happening to them in recent years, and most admitted that they did not know a good way to handle them. Then Michael said, “I used to be afraid of change. When along in our business, we didn’t know what to do. So we didn’t do anything differently and we almost lost it.”
“That is,” he continued, “until I heard a funny little story that changed everything.”
“How so?” Nathan asked.
“Well, the story changed the way I looked at change—from losing something to gaining something and it showed me how to do it. After that, things quickly improved at work and in my life.” Added he, “Then I realized I was really annoyed with myself for not seeing the obvious and doing what works when things change.”


(阅读理解) 2: Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union Committee.

We've been at the university for at least a year now, so we can give you some good tips. Don't worry — we remember being new and making a lot of mistakes! And we haven't forgotten feeling a little bit scared.

First, as you know, there are no longer any grants. If you borrow money from the government, remember that like all loans, you have to pay it back. Spending all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy. Try to make a budget for each term and stick to it. But if you are struggling to make ends meet, you can get a part-time job-restaurants and bars in the town take lots of students on in the evenings and at weekends. Come and see us for advice.

Stop worrying about making new friends. Start to join the sports and hobbies societies — they're cheap and you can begin meeting a lot of people that way. It's a great chance to take up a completely new hobby.

Living in a new city a long way from home can be very stressful. One tip, don't forget your parents. After all, they are paying your tuition fees here. You will be very busy working and enjoying yourself, but stop to phone your parents sometimes and don't forget to go home for the weekend from time to time.

And remember to take your dirty washing!

Finally, remember to work hard and play hard. Go on working steadily towards your first degree (BA or BSc) throughout your three years here -- try to keep things in perspective. You'll always find someone in the Student Union office if you need to talk.


(完型填空) 1: From the earlier time it was well ## to the Peruvians that when a cut was made in the thick skin of a rubber tree, a white liquid like milk came ##. From this fluid (流动的) a sticky mass of rubber might be made. This rubber is soft and wax-like when warm so that it is ## to give any form.
The Peruvians made the discovery that it is very good for ## out water. Then in the early ## of the century they made overshoes to keep their feet dry. Then a certain Mr. Mackintosh developed coats of cloth which were lined with rubber. Today Mackintosh raincoats are still ## after him.
But these f123456irst rubber shoes ## raincoats were unpleasantly soft and sticky in ##. They were also stiff and very ## in winter. They were like wax(蜡) although they ## a bit stronger


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