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时间:2017-09-16 12:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
《供应链管理》在线作业一 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 单选题 、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. ()是供应链中信息流、产品、服务流、资金流运作的驱动源 A. 合约的签订 B. 用户的需求拉动 C. 共同的意愿 D. 盈利的前景 满分:5 分 2. 通过供应商


The first computer is born from the world to the today computer dailypopularization, the network is affecting our social life aspects byits astonishing development speed, it leads the human civilization abrand-new digital time. But we should know any thing all is thecontradictory entity, current, along with the computer industry in thesocial each domain widespread application, the computer network crimeincidence rate of cases also year by year large scale rises, computernetwork crime and traditional crime different, it not only can destroythe computer network the order, causes the society chaotic, moreoverhas the possibility to cause the disaster thechain-reaction. Therefore we are urgent need to have a more comprehensiveunderstanding to the computer network crime, this article has beenclear about the computer network crime concept, the crimecharacteristic, the crime constitution, the crime way from thecriminal law angle, emphatically conducts the research from the legalangle; Profits from the overseas related prevention and the controlnetwork crime legal system, the judicial precedent, then unifies ourcountry the actual situation, has analyzed our country computernetwork crime legislation frame and the legislation characteristic,simultaneously has analyzed in our country present criminal activitylaw about the computer network crime legal rule insufficiency. And from the criminal legislation, the judicial two aspects hasdiscussed the legal countermeasure which the prevention and thecontrol computer network crime should adopt, proposed consummates ourcountry to prevent with the control computer network crime criminallegislation and the judicial countermeasure suggestion. In view of thefact that our country computer network crime legal framework is at theinitial stage, should consummate the related legislation as soon aspossible, suppresses this kind of crime high to send the tendency,maintains social the stability, the guarantee economic developmenthealth development.
Keywords computer network crime; Network cheating; Legislation consummation
一、  计算机网络犯罪概述……………………………………………  1
(一)计算机网络犯罪的概念………………………………………   1
(二)计算机网络犯罪的特点………………………………………   2
1、隐蔽性……………………………………………………………  2
2、复杂性……………………………………………………………  2
3、智能性……………………………………………………………  3
4、社会危害性………………………………………………………  3
二、计算机网络犯罪的犯罪构成要件………………………………… 4
(一)计算机网络犯罪主体…………………………………………… 4
(二)计算机网络犯罪主观方面……………………………………… 4
(三)计算机网络犯罪客体…………………………………………… 5
(四)计算机网络犯罪客观方面……………………………………… 5
三、计算机网络犯罪行为方式分析…………………………………… 6
(一)网络入侵,散布破坏性病毒、逻辑炸弹或者放置后门程序犯罪近而偷窥、复制、更改或者删除计算机信息犯罪……………………… 6
(二)利用网络进行诈骗……………………………………………… 6
(三)网络色情和性骚扰……………………………………………… 7
四、计算机网络犯罪的立法探讨……………………………………… 8
(一)西方计算机网络犯罪立法概况………………………………… 8
(二)我国计算机网络立法…………………………………………… 8
1、我国网络犯罪规范的框架………………………………………  9
2、中国针对网络犯罪立法的特点…………………………………  10
(三)计算机网络犯罪的立法完善…………………………………   11
1、行为人低龄化对于刑事责任年龄制度的影响……………………  11
2、犯罪化的范围偏窄,需要予以适当扩大…………………………  11
3、加强国际间的刑事司法协助………………………………………… 12
五、结语………………………………………………………………   13
参考文献………………………………………………………………   14
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