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时间:2017-10-27 20:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1: 单选题(3分) 课程作业的最后完成时间是( ) A: 选课期间必须完成 B: 预约前必须完成 C: 每次课程考试开始前1日24时前 D: 考试结束后的一周之内必须完成 正确答案: 2: 单选题(3分) 正确高效地阅读一篇文章的顺序是() A: 先泛读再精读 B: 先精读再泛读 C:
试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100

、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。) 得分:100
1. 第四次作业问题11A. They haven't reached a decision yet.
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B. They have decided to go hunting bears.
C. They want to go camping.
D. They want to go exploring the country.
正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
2. 第四次作业问题17A. The trip didn't do any good to his health.
B. The trip was a complete disappointment.
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C. The trip was enjoyable but not fruitful in terms of business.
D. The trip made it possible for him to meet many interesting people.
正确答案:C 满分:5 分 得分:5
3. 第四次作业问题15A. He missed the appointment.
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B. He arrived late.
C. He was sick.
D. He was very busy.
正确答案:C 满分:5 分 得分:5
4. 第四次作业问题10A. The choice of courses.
B. A day course.
C. An evening course.
D. Their work.
正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
5. 第四次作业问题4A. She can use his car.
B. She can borrow someone else's car.
C. She must get her car fixed.
D. She can't borrow his car.
正确答案:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
6. 第四次作业问题1A. The pear.
B. The weather.
C. The sea food.
D. The cold.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
7. 第四次作业问题8A. At a cigarette.
B. At a bus station.
C. At a gas station.
D. At Aunt Mary's.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
8. 第四次作业问题12A. Susie.
B. Tom.
C. The speaker.
D. The speaker's husband.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
9. 第四次作业问题18A. He lost consciousness.
B. He was slightly wounded.
C. He was seriously injured.
D. He was buried under an icebox.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
10. 第四次作业问题13A. They chased the bear away.
B. They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.
C. They climbed up a tree.
D. They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
11. 第四次作业问题20A. His father pulled him out in time.
B. He stayed in an icebox.
C. He left the area before the earthquake.
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D. Their house escaped the earthquake.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
12. 第四次作业问题16A. He was busy sightseeing.
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B. He couldn't reach Mr. Jordan's office.
C. He didn't want to see Mr. Jordan anymore.
D. He didn't want to take the trouble making it.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
13. 第四次作业问题5A. At 2:35.
B. At 2:45.
C. At 3:00.
D. At 3:15.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
14. 第四次作业问题7A. Near the station.
B. In the countryside.
C. In the city.
D. Near her work place.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
15. 第四次作业问题9A. From upstairs.
B. From next door.
C. From the Nelsons' house.
D. From the back door.
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正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
16. 第四次作业问题6A. To the bank.
B. To a book store.
C. To a shoe store.
D. To the grocer's
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
17. 第四次作业问题2A. Mary has never studied mathematics.
B. Mary must be good at mathematics.
C. Mary enjoys learning mathematics.
D. Mary probably is poor at mathematics.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
18. 第四次作业问题3A. George's brother.
B. George's wife.
C. George's father.
D. George's father-in-law.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
19. 第四次作业问题19A. About four days.
B. Around eight days.
C. A day and a half.
D. More than six days.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5
20. 第四次作业问题14A. He ate the honey.
B. He drank the beer.
C. He chased the people away.
D. He turned things upside down.
正确答案: 满分:5 分 得分:5

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