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时间:2017-10-27 20:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1: 单选题(2分) 单层混合结构房屋,静力计算时不考虑空间作用,按平面排架分析,则称为(???) A: 刚性方案 B: 弹性方案 C: 刚弹性方案 正确答案: 2: 单选题(2分) 沉降缝的基础( ) A: 必不能分 B: 可不分开 C: 必须分开 D: 不能确定 正确答案: 3: 单选题(2分)
试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100

、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。) 得分:100
1. 第一次作业问题13A. The east coast of North America.
B. The west coast of North America.
C. The middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
D. The middle of the Pacific Ocean.
正确答案:B 满分:5 分 得分:5
2. 第一次作业问题6A. Policeman and driver.
B. Policeman and thief.
C. Teacher and pupil.
D. Director and actress.
正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
3. 第一次作业问题18A. His wife.
B. A clock.
C. A tree.
D. Lightning.
正确答案:B 满分:5 分 得分:5
4. 第一次作业问题5A. To the beach.
B. To a play.
C. To a movie theatre.
D. To a restaurant.
正确答案:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
5. 第一次作业问题9A. Europe.
B. Here.
C. Canada.
D. California.
正确答案:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
6. 第一次作业问题14A. They want to attract attention.
B. It is fashionable to wear such clothes.
C. They appear respectable in such clothes.
D. Riding a motorcycle makes one dirty.
正确答案:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
7. 第一次作业问题10A. The train is crowded.
B. The train is late.
C. The train is on time.
D. The train is out of order.
正确答案:B 满分:5 分 得分:5
8. 第一次作业问题7A. He is often late for meals.
B. He is expecting a letter from abroad.
C. He wrote to his family last month.
D. He is anxious to go back home.
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正确答案:B 满分:5 分 得分:5
9. 第一次作业问题17A. He was struck by lightning.
B. He had a car accident.
C. He was very old.
D. He fell down in his yard.
正确答案:B 满分:5 分 得分:5
10. 第一次作业问题3A. It's going to attract a lot of students.
B. It's going to be a lot of fun.
C. It's going to require a lot of reading.
D. It's going to work out quite well.
正确答案:C 满分:5 分 得分:5
11. 第一次作业问题15A. It is efficient.
B. It is exciting.
C. It is convenient.
D. It is dangerous.
正确答案:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
12. 第一次作业问题2A. The teacher reviewed a previous lesson.
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B. The teacher taught a new lesson.
C. The teacher postponed the class until Friday.
D. The teacher made the students write in class.
正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
13. 第一次作业问题11A. The crust.
B. The ground.
C. The plate.
D. The boundary.
正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
14. 第一次作业问题12A. Two.
B. Seventy.
C. Seven.
D. Twelve.
正确答案:C 满分:5 分 得分:5
15. 第一次作业问题20A. A fall from the tree.
B. The unexpected return of his wife.
C. Another flash of lightning.
D. Another heavy blow.
正确答案:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
16. 第一次作业问题1A. He lent her his extra pen.
B. He was afraid of losing his pen.
C. He offered her a pencil
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D. He said he didn't have any extra ink.
正确答案:C 满分:5 分 得分:5
17. 第一次作业问题8A. He is modest.
B. He is satisfied.
C. He is proud.
D. He is upset.
正确答案:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
18. 第一次作业问题16A. If he always wears protective clothing.
B. If he can see everything around him clearly.
C. If he is very careful.
D. If he has a lot of defenders.
正确答案:C 满分:5 分 得分:5
19. 第一次作业问题19A. Hiding under a tree.
B. Entering the house.
C. Driving a car.
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D. Lying on the ground.
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正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
20. 第一次作业问题4A. She agrees to lend him the car.
B. She offers him the car.
C. She refuses to lend him the car.
D. She is pleased to lend him the car.
正确答案:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
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