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时间:2018-01-01 13:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
9.对于砌体所用砂浆,总的要求是,砂浆应具有足够的() A. 强度 B. 保水性 C. 可塑性 D. 流动性 正确答案:ABC满分:1分 10.以下属于烧结普通砖和烧结多孔砖强度等级的是() A. MU10 B. MU15 C. MU20 D. MU30 正确答案:ABCD满分:1分 11.按照使用荷载下对

Cian stared at you in slight disbelief. You had once died at the hands of a vampire? That was rather strange to hear, and even more so
since you were still sitting there,solid wooden doors, next to him. Seeing this, you pulled all of your hair to one side and pointed to a pair of faded scars near
the base of your neck.

"See?" you whispered softly.

Gazing at the puncture marks, he also noticed that the fangs of the other also dragged a little ways away from their origin. He figured that
you had most likely put up a fight.

"I guess that your hesitance before should have been expected..."

You nodded slightly, and even you were surprised that you had not fought Cian's persistance even more earlier.
Who was the bastard? *glares around*
Hmm... *thinks silently*
"Do you know who it was?" Cian asked you after a moment of silence passed.

Shaking your head, you turned your gaze back to his own.

"I don't know his name, but I did see him before I died," you said in response. "That doesn't matter any more,wood doors, though. That was a long
time ago."

Cian watched in concern as you weakly smiled as you tried to get away from the topic. It wasn't something that you had felt comfortable
taking about to anyone,wooden doors, so you always tried to pretend that it never happened. In your eyes it was better to just forget about that part of
your past, nothing needed to be relived again. It was all over now; you were actually happy with the present.

Placing your head on Cian's shoulder, you sat there silently wondering if a new conversation would be brought up. There was nothing
that you could think of to ask, and because of this the silence dragged on. After what seemed to be an hour you slipped into a sleep, one that brought no dreams.
*sleeps* ..................
O.o I fell asleep on Cian?
The sky was a dull gray in color, and there were a few birds that announced the oncoming day. Stirring slightly, you opened your eyes
and nearly jumped. You remembered falling asleep, but you hadn't actually thought that you were still at the stream, but that was exactly
where you were. Turning your gaze, your eyes soon landed on Cian, and he seemed to be sound asleep. The sight brought a slight smile
to your face, even if your mind was in a panic about whether or not someone had noticed your absence.

"Cian," you called quietly as you tried to wake him. "Cian...wake up."

He stirred slightly before he actually opened his eyes to meet your gaze. Smiling slightly his arm snaked around your waist and he
brought you into a soft embrace. Blushing slightly, you pushed away slightly so that you could look him in the eyes.

"Cian, it's almost sunrise."

"It doesn't matter, let's just stay here for a while longer."

With a sigh, you decided to not fight him, besides, you wanted to stay there with him too. (Me: Oh, as a little note before anyone bugs
me about this, sunlight will not effect him or any other vampire, life's just easier that way.) Relaxing so that your head rested against him,
you couldn't bring yourself to pull away and think about whether or not someone knew that you were missing.
^_^ I like it here!
*falls back to sleep* No worries....

Snapping your eyes open, you glanced up to meet Cian's gaze.

"Yes?" you asked carefully.

"You fell asleep again," he said with a smile. "Weren't you worried earlier?"

Blinking a few times, you glanced up toward the tree tops to glance at the sky that they tried to hide. It was about midday by now.
Although you knew that you should be even more worried than you were before, you slowly sat up and continued to watch the sky. You
didn't want to leave. You wanted to stay right there with Cian, even if you weren't supposed to love him.

Your thoughts came to a sudden stop.

You had actually fallen in love with the enemy someone whose race had been the cause of your own death. No matter how you
tried to find a reasonable thought to this, you couldn't bring yourself to doubt the feelings that you had for him.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked while loosely wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.

Cian rested his chin on your shoulder while you tried to think of an answer to give him.
I love you!!! *pulls down a screen for the sake of the eyes of others* (Me: O.O wow... *inches away...*)
*stares at the person mentioned above* O.O *is speechless*
I don't think I should say anything....
"I..." you couldn't actually say it, instead you were blushing at the very thought of telling him.

He smiled at your attempt to respond. Bringing you closer he was silent for a moment, but you could tell that he was going to say
something, so you watched him in silence.

Whispering in your ear, he said, "I love you too."

You were shocked by what he said, but even more by the fact that he seemed to know what you were thinking.


"I can read your thoughts if you aren't paying attention,solid wood doors," he said while smiling. "Don't worry though, I won't read your thoughts without

Playfully smacking him, at his last comment, you freed yourself from his embrace.

"I have to head back before anyone comes looking for me here. I'll try to come back soon, though."

Cian smiled at your comment and watched as you left him to go back to the other angels. He was happy that he was able to be with you,
even if it was in secret. There was little reason for him to begin to worry as you had before, but as the moments passed, he was finding
that he was worried about what would happen to you if anyone would find out. He wasn't worried for himself, only for your own safety.
No! Don't worry about that! Everything will be fine...won't it? (Me: ....)
I knew you were up to something! (Me: Nothing's happened yet!!) Yet, but something will soon, I just know! (Me: ....)
And so I leave you to wonder about this.....
*glares* Nothing better happen....
*hums to self* ....... (Me: O.o Are you paying attention??) *sighs at the thought of Cian* (Me: Guess not...)

Haha..well it seems people think I have something up my sleeve.... Do I? Who knows? You'll just have to wait and see....

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