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时间:2018-01-02 15:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
4.防止金属腐蚀的主要措施有 A. 添加缓蚀剂 B. 隔离有害介质 C. 电化学保护法 D. 去除介质中有害成分 正确答案:ABCD满分:2分 5.汽车性能测试内容有 A. 动力性 B. 操纵稳定性 C. 制动性 D. 噪声 正确答案:ABCD满分:2分 6.行驶情况统计包括 A. 实际行驶里程



一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  Our payment terms are _____, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.
A. confirmed
B. combined
C. committed
D. completed
      满分:4  分
2.  We always have faith()the quality of your products.
A. to
B. about
C. of
D. in
      满分:4  分
3.  By ______ Billy we have learned that you would like to establish business relations with us
A. the courtesy from
B. courtesies from
C. the courtesies of
D. the courtesy of
      满分:4  分
4.  No other buyers have( )higher than this price.
A. ask
B. bidden
C. request
D. ask about
      满分:4  分
5.  Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction ______ customers.
A. for
B. to
C. upon
D. with
      满分:4  分
6.  The topic he has chosen to speak on is changing technology in the next __.
A. decade
B. ten years
C. decades
D. ten-year
      满分:4  分
7.  We are now looking at the __ of the Scandinavian market.
A. latent
B. underlying
C. potentially
D. potential
      满分:4  分
8.  You can count on me to give you any assitance you require in your __.
A. time of office
B. term of office
C. term of business
D. term
      满分:4  分
9.  The words telegram and telegraph are usually associated with __ communication.
A. inter
B. internally
C. inner
D. internal
      满分:4  分
10.  The time allowed for preparation of bids ______the magnitude and complexity for the contract.
A. should depend on
B. will depends on
C. depends on
D. have depended on
      满分:4  分
11.  We very much______that you are not in a position to entertain any fresh orders at present.
A. regret
B. regret to learn
C. regretful
D. regrettable
      满分:4  分

20.  We would like to invite you to attend our award __.
A. ceremony
B. function
C. observation
D. rite
      满分:4  分
21.  Can our( ) of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?
A. order
B. request
C. ask
D. need
      满分:4  分
22.  When the consignee fails to declare the import goods within the time limit, a fee _____delayed declaration shall be imposed by the Customs.
A. to
B. from
C. for
D. with
      满分:4  分
23.  ______appreciating your inquiry for Leather Shoes, we wish to inform you that this item is under the exclusivity of ABC Co.
A. When
B. In case of
C. While
D. During
      满分:4  分
24.  We would like to take this _____ to establish business relations with you.
A. opening
B. opportunity
C. step
D. advantage
      满分:4  分
25.  In the case of injure or death to insured person, or in the case of __ , where a fixed amount is to be paid over the years.
A. person assurance
B. personal assurance
C. living assurance
D. life assurance
      满分:4  分

12.  Of course payment might be () if anything goes wrong with the documents.
A. turned back
B. refused
C. turned out
D. turn down
      满分:4  分
13.  Figures especially large sums should be repeated __.
A. in word
B. in words
C. at words
D. by words
      满分:4  分
14.  We have no objection () the stipulations about the packing and shipping mark.
A. about
B. of
C. as
D. to
      满分:4  分
15.  The price is ___________:
A. as following
B. as follows
C. follow
D. following
      满分:4  分
16.  Normally, packing charge is () in the contract price.
A. held
B. put
C. picked
D. included
      满分:4  分
17.  The help would certainly be appreciated and __ if the oppprtunity arises.
A. reciprocated
B. repay
C. require
D. render back
      满分:4  分
18.  It ______that more and more people will eat healthy food
A. is hoped
B. hopes
C. hoped
D. has been hoped
      满分:4  分
19.  We have to __ the meeting.
A. delay
B. postpone
C. defer
D. wait
      满分:4  分

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