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时间:2018-01-21 20:45来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
5.若采用硬件向量法形成中断服务程序的入口地址,则CPU在中断周期需完成______。 A. 保护程序断点 B. 硬件关中断 C. 向量地址送至 PC D. PC+1 正确答案:ABC满分:6分 1.指令系统中采用不同寻址方式的目的主要是实现程序控制。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案:B满

一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 75 分。)V 1.Nothing is so important than quality and packing.( )
A. 对
B. 错
2.Being of 100% cotton, our shirts, we believe, will have a good outlet.( )
A. 对
B. 错
3.The analysis of the first shipment is not satisfactory( )certified by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau.
A. after
B. which is
C. has been
D. as is
4.To see your message through the reader's eyes is one of email golden rules for email writers.( )
A. 对
B. 错
5.Thanking you in anticipation of an early reply to our request.( )
A. 对
B. 错
6.To type mail in all capital letters can give the effect to the mail.( )
A. 对
B. 错
7.It is always a pleasure to help you where we can. But to make a 10% reduction is out of the question.( )
A. 对
B. 错
8.If messages are on the same topic, their subjects should not be the same.( )
A. 对
B. 错
9.People who read lots of mail can be irritated by extra messages or even extra paragraphs.( )
A. 对
B. 错
10.We are anxious to( )the market for our Antimony Trioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.
A. increase
B. enlarge
C. expand
D. extend
11.Double-check to whom you're sending mail is of importance.( )
A. 对
B. 错
12.While we thank you for your enquiry, we regret being unable to make you an offer for the time being.( )
A. 对
B. 错
13.As requested, we are sending you by airmail the samples of men's shirts,( )you will find them satisfactory.
A. hope
B. to hope
C. hoping
D. hopefully
14.Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to( )packing.
A. faulty
B. domestic
C. inferior
D. outer
15.The shipment must be put off because the steamer needs being repaired.( )
A. 对
B. 错

二、多选题(共 5 道试题,共 25 分。)V 1.If you won't ship the goods within the stipulated time, we shall have to file a claim( )you.
A. to
B. against
C. for
D. with
2.If you can not send the goods as per specifications, please send us( ).
A. alternates
B. substitutes
C. replacements
3.The buyer states in his letter that the( )is satisfactory to the end users.
A. shipment
B. commodities
C. consignment
4.We have the pleasure of acknowledging your letter of Nov.6, in which you inform us that you are satisifed with our men's shirts shipped( )s/s East Wind.
A. per
B. ex
C. by
D. at
5.The art and craft goods will find a ready( ) in your country.
A. sell
B. sale
C. market


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