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下列说法正确的是:( )

时间:2018-03-03 11:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
10.下列说法正确的是:( ) A. 抵押权不得单独转让 B. 地役权不得单独抵押 C. 建设用地使用权抵押后,该土地上新增的建筑物不属于抵押财产 D. 以基金份额出质的,质权自工商行政管理机构办理出质登记时设立 正确答案:ABC满分:4分 11.甲以自有的一批布匹作

试卷总分:100 测试时间:--

、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. They often _____ his lack of experience.
A. take use of
B. take advantage of
C. take the advantage of
D. make the use of
   满分:4 分
2. Linda is fond of playing ___ violin while Della is interested in listening to ___ music.
A. /, the
B. the, /
C. a, the
D. the, a
   满分:4 分
3. I’d rather you ___ the book to me now.
A. will return
B. should return
C. return
D. returned
   满分:4 分
4. He could not help walking to and fro, for he was_____at the false accusation.
A. indifferent
B. indignant
C. indicative
D. indigenous
   满分:4 分
5. His failure in the exams _____ in part _____ his laziness.
A. resulted…from
B. resulted…in
C. came up…with
D. kept up…with
   满分:4 分
6. My father_____me by taking out many sweets from his bag.
A. surprised
B. mistook
C. forgave
D. annoyed
   满分:4 分
7. In order to make his speech vivid and powerful, he_____a lot of facts.
A. prepare
B. plan
C. organized
D. collect
   满分:4 分
8. You should be able to_________ right from wrong.
A. perceive
B. distinguish
C. sight
D. observe
   满分:4 分
9. The plane _____ by the heavy snowfall.
A. was put up
B. was looked up
C. was held up
D. was made up
   满分:4 分
10. A season ticket_____the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the started period of time.
A. grants
B. promises
C. entitle
D. presents
   满分:4 分
11. Tommy was the youngest on the journey, but he _____ the others.
A. fell behind
B. kept up with
C. came up with
D. put up with
   满分:4 分
12. The uninteresting film_____on for more than two hours.
A. dragged
B. pulled
C. drew
D. pushed
   满分:4 分
13. I telephoned the station to make _____ of the time of the train.
A. true
B. right
C. real
D. sure
   满分:4 分
14. He was so tempted to laugh that he could scarcely _____ himself _____.
A. hold…on
B. hold…out
C. hold…in
D. hold…up
   满分:4 分
15. Mary _____through the English novel in the morning and got the general idea of it.
A. skipped
B. scanned
C. skimmed
D. slipped
   满分:4 分
16. One of his many faults is that he never _____ anything very long.
A. decides on
B. sticks to
C. goes over
D. makes sure
   满分:4 分
17. He prefers to live with his mother than ___ her alone.
A. to leave
B. leaving
C. leave
D. leaves
   满分:4 分
18. Before the end of his lecture,the professor may also _____ time for the students to ask him questions.
A. lay aside
B. brush aside
C. set aside
D. put aside
   满分:4 分
19. He _____to find himself in a dark room.
A. wake
B. wakened
C. raised
D. awakened
   满分:4 分
20. I have no objection ______ his staying in the library as long as he keeps quiet.
A. of
B. to
C. in
D. over
   满分:4 分
21. The medicine the doctor gave him_____his headache.
A. freed
B. refreshed
C. released
D. relieved
   满分:4 分
22. Tom did it _____ his will.
A. against
B. in
C. to
D. at
   满分:4 分
23. The boy got ___ his bike in front of a post office.
A. in
B. on
C. off
D. from
   满分:4 分
24. Do you think Tommy is _____the truth?
A. saying
B. speaking
C. telling
D. talking
   满分:4 分
25. If you want to keep your room tidy, you should keep everything ___.
A. in place
B. in the place of
C. in their places
D. out of place
   满分:4 分

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