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时间:2018-03-03 11:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
9.下列说法正确的有: A. 《监理工程师资格证书》终身有效 B. 《监理工程师岗位证书》终身有效 C. 已注册的监理工程师才有资格以个人名义承接工程建设监理义务 D. 国家行政机关现职工作人员不得申请监理工程师注册 正确答案:D满分:4分 10.工程建设合同签订

试卷总分:100 测试时间:--

、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. I don’t think it any use ___ him.
A. reasoning with
B. for reasoning
C. reason with
D. to be reasoing with
   满分:4 分
2. It _____ that the top student is the son of my closest friend.
A. tells
B. finds
C. happens
D. takes place
   满分:4 分
3. She came with a large_____of yellow roses in her hand.
A. branch
B. bunch
C. brandy
D. bleach
   满分:4 分
4. The little boy, Johnnie, had been up with a _____of mints.
A. pack
B. packed
C. pocket
D. package
   满分:4 分
5. She _____ that we have a birthday party for our English teacher.
A. intends
B. proposes
C. demands
D. decides
   满分:4 分
6. The tomato juice left brown_____on the front of my jacket.
A. spot
B. point
C. track
D. trace
   满分:4 分
7. What he has done can be praised as a real_____.
A. adventure
B. venture
C. risk
D. torture
   满分:4 分
8. The table is _____;there is no cloth on it.
A. empty
B. vacant
C. bare
D. nothing
   满分:4 分
9. He ___ to his coustomer and halved the price.
A. leaked
B. drew
C. quoted
D. yielded
   满分:4 分
10. The child is very bright _____ his age.
A. thinking
B. considering
C. in
D. regarding of
   满分:4 分
11. Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage_____.
A. relatively
B. actually
C. annually
D. comparatively
   满分:4 分
12. In that warm_____vegetables grow well.
A. climate
B. temperature
C. weather
D. degree
   满分:4 分
13. These goods are_____for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.
A. essentially
B. completely
C. necessarily
D. remarkably
   满分:4 分
14. The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made ___.
A. on the spot
B. on the site
C. on the location
D. on the ground
   满分:4 分
15. The house isn't big enough for a family of four, and ___, the price is not reasonable.
A. even though
B. furthermore
C. therefore
D. however
   满分:4 分
16. The wind has ___ from north to south.
A. shifted
B. converted
C. altered
D. transformed
   满分:4 分
17. Jack has flown to New York, but he will be back before long ,because he went there only on_____business.
A. short-term
B. short term
C. short-termed
D. short-terming
   满分:4 分
18. Poor Susan got a serious seasick during the _____.
A. journey
B. tour
C. voyage
D. trip
   满分:4 分
19. Whose ___ is it if you can not finish your own work on time?
A. fault
B. wrong
C. mistake
D. fake
   满分:4 分
20. Expensive goods are not_____good.
A. surely
B. necessarily
C. possible
D. doubtfully
   满分:4 分
21. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied ___.
A. originally
B. extremely
C. violently
D. intensively
   满分:4 分
22. There was nobody____ when we came round the corner.
A. out of sight
B. at sight
C. by sight
D. in sight
   满分:4 分
23. In_____of all the difficulties, he managed to accomplish his aim at last.
A. face
B. hope
C. spite
D. search
   满分:4 分
24. He lost control of his feelings and began to_____.
A. laugh
B. dance
C. weep
D. yell
   满分:4 分
25. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is_____.
A. luxury
B. accommodation
C. entertainment
D. refreshment
   满分:4 分

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