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  • 医大2018年7月中医药学概论正考 日期:2018-06-02 14:11:16 点击:242 好评:11

    单选题 1.两种功能功效基本相同的药物,合用后明显增强疗效,其配伍关系是:(分值:1分) A.相须 B.相使 C.相杀 D.相畏 2.消食药中长于活血化瘀,治肉食积滞的药是:(分值:1分) A.山楂 B.神曲 C.麦芽 D.鸡内金 3.紫苑、款冬花都具有的功效为:(分值:1分) A....

  • 18年6月在线作业考核-大气物理学 日期:2018-06-02 10:53:19 点击:210 好评:9

    (单选题) 1: 地球南北两极附近地区的高空,夜间常会出现灿烂美丽的光辉。它轻盈地飘荡,同时忽暗忽明,发出红的、蓝的、绿的、紫的光芒。这是( )现象 A: 极光 B: 磁场影响 C: 散射 D: 反射 正确答案: (单选题) 2: 垂直运动强,水汽少。说的是哪一层的特点...

  • 北语网院18春《听说I作业4 日期:2018-06-01 18:14:11 点击:205 好评:8

    单选题 1(5分) : 第四次作业问题10 A: Find a larger room. B: Sell the old table. C: Buy two bookshelves. D: Rearrange some furniture. 2(5分) : 第四次作业问题3 A: To make the woman angry. B: To please the man’s mother. C: David is the man’s...

  • 北语网院18春《听说I作业3 日期:2018-06-01 18:13:50 点击:203 好评:10

    单选题 1(5分) : 第三次作业问题2 A: He doesn’t like to talk. B: He is a very kind man. C: He is friendly. D: He is not a pleasant person. 2(5分) : 第三次作业问题13 A: The man regrets being absent-minded. B: The woman saved the man some trou...

  • 北语网院18春《听说I作业2 日期:2018-06-01 18:13:28 点击:200 好评:10

    单选题 1(5分) : 第二次作业问题5 A: In New York. B: In Boston. C: In Newport. D: In Washington. 2(5分) : 第二次作业问题16 A: There are many visitors there. B: There are many students there. C: There are many old streets there. D: There are m...

  • 北语网院18春《听说I作业1 日期:2018-06-01 18:13:06 点击:202 好评:9

    单选题 1(5分) : 第一次作业问题4 A: She can use his car. B: She can borrow someone else’s car. C: She must get her car fixed. D: She can’t borrow his car. 2(5分) : 第一次作业问题18 A: Its good for training ones character but not good for o...

  • 北语网院18春《听说IV作业4 日期:2018-06-01 18:12:45 点击:202 好评:9

    单选题 1(5分) : 第四次作业问题21 A: It was free of charge on weekends. B: It had a 15% discount on weekdays. C: It was offered to frequent guests only. D: It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels. 2(5分) : 第四次作业问题16 A: She was absent...

  • 北语网院18春《听说IV作业3 日期:2018-06-01 18:12:23 点击:217 好评:8

    单选题 1(6分) : 第三次作业问题23 A: She knows how to write best-selling novels. B: She can earn a lot of money by writing for adults. C: She is able to win enough support from publishers. D: She can make a living by doing what she likes. 2(...

  • 北语网院18春《听说IV作业2 日期:2018-06-01 18:12:01 点击:320 好评:10

    单选题 1(6分) : 第二次作业问题26 A: Rent a grave. B: Burn the body. C: Bury the dead near a church. D: Buy a piece of land for a grave. 2(6分) : 第二次作业问题28 A: They should be buried lying down . B: They should be buried standing up. C:...

  • 北语网院18春《听说IV作业1 日期:2018-06-01 18:11:40 点击:209 好评:12

    单选题 1(5分) : 第一次作业问题5 A: It’s worse than 30 years ago. B: It remains almost the same as before. C: There are more extremes in the weather. D: There has been a significant rise in temperature. 2(5分) : 第一次作业问题9 A: It can he...
