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时间:2017-10-26 12:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
3. 20世纪70年代西方各国兴起的新公共管理运动所追求的"三E"目标包括() A. 经济 B. 效率 C. 效益 D. 公平 满分:2 分 4. 从最终用户角度来看,数据库系统分为()。 A. 但用户结构 B. 主从式结构 C. 分布式结构 D. 客户/服务器结构 满分:2 分 5. 政府网站所
一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. Anthropology, the study of humanity, makes extensive use of comparative method in its ( ) of human behavior and human society
A. analysis
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B. analogue
C. antithesis
D. hypothesis
满分:4 分
2. The issue was whether or not the bacteria (细菌) in his body would __________ the local ecosystem.
A. break
B. balance
C. contaminate
D. contain
满分:4 分
3. Up to 22 people were killed and 187 others injured in a suicide bomb attack which ______ a demonstration in a northern Iraqi city.
A. transported
B. targeted
C. yielded
D. aimed
满分:4 分
4. It is expected that in the future robots will ______ man to do those dangerous jobs.
A. relax
B. relate
C. request
D. replace
满分:4 分
5. We must put the ( ) side of the policy into consideration to avoid possible mistakes
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A. converse
B. reverse
C. reserve
D. revise
满分:4 分
6. Mr. Kobayashi was chosen to ( ) the company at the national trade conference because of his competence
A. present
B. represent
C. invent
D. prevent
满分:4 分
7. After a joint venture dismisses the surplus employee during the contract term, the enterprise will give the dismissed certain ______.
A. comprehension
B. composition
C. compensation
D. consultation
满分:4 分
8. Compass is a device used to determine geographic direction and usually consists of a magnetic needle or needles __________ mounted or suspended.
A. accidentally
B. orientally
C. incidentally
D. horizontally
满分:4 分
9. It provides a standard format for Web pages to create a link, provide the refresh period for a page to change, __________ audio files, and form pages into different frames.
A. input
B. embed
C. output
D. inbed
满分:4 分
10. There seems to be something wrong with the computer but we hope to _______ it right before too long.
A. correct
B. put
C. sort
D. cope
满分:4 分
11. We had to increase sales by 40% during the 2nd quarter, and our results __________, even though we were under a lot of pressure.
A. exceeded
B. excess
C. excessive
D. exceed
满分:4 分
12. Scientists claimed yesterday to have __________ the riddle of the birth of the Universe.
A. dissolved
B. solved
C. solution
D. resolution
满分:4 分
13. Each special committee shall be ( ) of a chairman, vice-chairmen and members
A. consisted
B. composing
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C. made
D. composed
满分:4 分
14. It helps children to ______ having the light off and the door shut during the night because darkness and quietness prepares the brain for sleep.
A. use
B. used to
C. get using to
D. get used to
满分:4 分
15. Due to the limited seating of the hall, merely about 700 journalists were present for the press conference
A. capacity
B. possibility
C. probability
满分:4 分
16. It is a universal ______ that man is different from all the other animals because man can communicate with each other by means of language.
A. admission
B. permission
C. acknowledgement
D. advancement
满分:4 分
17. China’s news media is following world trend by marketization and __________into enterprises.
A. conversion
B. translation
C. transplanting
D. transforming
满分:4 分
18. The police are trying to find out the ( ) of the woman killed in the traffic accident
A. evidence
B. recognition
C. status
D. identity
满分:4 分
19. She wanted to ask him all about his private life, but wisely __________ herself.
A. rescued
B. hold
C. restrained
D. curb
满分:4 分
Moving to a new school can __________ a child’s education, especially between the ages of eleven and sixteen.
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A. upset
B. balance
C. disrupt
D. disorder
满分:4 分
21. Oil and gas have also provided finance ministers worldwide ______ a convenient vehicle ______ tax collecting.
A. with…for
B. for… with
C. for…for
D. with…with
满分:4 分
22. To survive and grow, businesses are under ______ pressure to expand their markets for new products and made them look different from others.
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A. crucial
B. complex
C. constant
D. significant (责任编辑:admin)要这答案加QQ:800020900 或加微信:q800020900 获取
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