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时间:2018-03-17 09:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题) 1: 在存货核算系统中,出 (单选题) 1: 在存货核算系统中,出库业务单据中的存货成本( )。 A: 应由手工填写 B: 应由系统自动计算生成 C: A、B两者都可以 D: A、B两者都不行 正确答案: (单选题) 2: 仓库编码必须唯一,最长不能超过 ( )个字符。 A:

试卷总分:100 测试时间:--

、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. Can we do our work better with __________ money and _______ people?
A. less, fewer
B. little, fewer
C. few, less
D. less, less
   满分:5 分
2. That's the reason ____ Ann could not do her part of the job.
A. that
B. of
C. bacause
D. why
   满分:5 分
3. It wasn‘t an accident. He did it on ______.
A. reason
B. determination
C. purpose
D. intention
   满分:5 分
4. We don't like it, but we have to____ up with it.
A. stand
B. put
C. pick
D. take
   满分:5 分
5. The speaker was asked to speak _______________.
A. a little slower
B. little slower
C. so slower
D. very slower
   满分:5 分
6. _____ of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.
A. Each
B. Any
C. Nobody
D. None
   满分:5 分
7. So far I haven't ____ any instructions as to what to do next.
A. received
B. accepted
C. achieved
D. recovered
   满分:5 分
8. He had us ________ all through the meal.
A. laughes
B. laughed
C. to laugh
D. laughing
   满分:5 分
9. Look, this roof is covered with ___________ leaves.
A. falling
B. fallen
C. fell
D. felt
   满分:5 分
10. I don't think _____ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.
A. this
B. that
C. its
D. it
   满分:5 分
11. When she does something, Mrs. Brown feels that her little child is always____
A. under way
B. in the way
C. on the way
D. by the way
   满分:5 分
12. How ____will you finish your homework?--In half an hour.
A. soon
B. long
C. often
D. fast
   满分:5 分
13. It is wise ______ him ______ settle the case that way.
A. of, that
B. of, to
C. for, to
D. for, that
   满分:5 分
14. They spent all their spare time, ____ their spare money, on their experiments.
A. as much as
B. as well as
C. as long as
D. as soon as
   满分:5 分
15. It is important ________you to get there in time.
A. that
B. for
C. of
D. whether
   满分:5 分
16. Some things are known _______ when they unite with the oxygen of the air.
A. to burn
B. to be burning
C. to have burnt
D. to be burnt
   满分:5 分
17. Which do you like _______________, coffee, tea, or milk?
A. the best
B. the better
C. much best
D. better
   满分:5 分
18. She told us _____________ story that we all forgot about the time.
A. such an interesting
B. such interesting a
C. so an interesting
D. a so interesting
   满分:5 分
19. Don't smoke in the meeting room, _____________?
A. do you
B. will you
C. can you
D. could you
   满分:5 分
20. I used _______ a lot of pocket money when I was young.
A. to get
B. that I got
C. to going
D. to have got
   满分:5 分

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